Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Finding A Good Hobby For Your Child

By Richardo Manning

If you are a parent, you definitely want the best for your child. You want him or her to learn and grow and eventually grow into a responsible adult. But mostly, you want your child to be happy. Many parents these days are concerned because they feel like their children spend too much time playing video and computer games and watching television and movies.

One of the main benefits your child will get from being in an after school martial arts program are exercise benefits. There are several exercise benefits linked to practicing martial arts. One of the main benefits of practicing martial arts is that your cardiovascular health is improved. In case you didn't know, your cardiovascular system is comprised of your heart, arteries, and veins.

The innovators of the earliest form of martial art were Mongolian tribesmen in 770 B.C. Instead of the controlled grace and strength that self-defense masters demonstrate today, this primitive fighting style was a crude combination of wrestling and blows to the head.

Having hobbies also helps kids learn how to set goals and persevere through trials. If they are working on constructing a mini sailboat, they must set the goal to complete the boat.

You feel these symptoms because your heart has to work too hard to keep your blood pumping throughout your body. If your cardiovascular system gets bad enough, you may even suffer a heart attack.

The Chinese also made their mark on the martial arts legacy by inventing chaun fa (or kempo) and introducing it to Japan in 607 A.D. This collaboration showed the influence of different countries' cultures on the direction of martial arts, leading to later developments on the martial arts scene over a thousand years later.

Hobbies also help give children a sense of achievement, that they have completed something to be proud of. Hobbies also give children the way to discover new things.

Many people who practice marital arts proclaim that it is helped them with weight loss. If you participate in martial arts that is moderately intensive, you can lose up to 500 calories.

Furthermore, a complete mastery and control over one's body is just as important as the techniques used to intercept and deflect attacks. Courtesy and respect are also essential components of the discipline. While pure aikido is still taught, Uyeshiba's death in 1969 eventually resulted in hundreds of different permutations of the style.

Obviously, kids must be old enough to read so they can choose the books they want to read and gain something from them. If a child chooses a book, becomes absorbs in it, and can't put it down, this will help the child to learn to love reading. Loving reading is a great thing. Reading is basically like a workout for your brain.

Additionally, the higher your muscle mass is, the more agile you will be, which will help you to maintain balance and stability as you age. As you can see, there are many, many exercise benefits related to practicing martial arts.

While it may be impossible to credit the responsible countries with every change to martial arts throughout history, it is enough to say that without their combined collaboration, the disciplines of self-defense would not be anywhere near as diverse as we know today.

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