Monday, October 7, 2013

Social Anxiety Disorder Symptoms Revealed

By Henri Givry

One of the most prevalent psychological disorders today is SAD and it is estimated that there are up to 12% of people suffering with some degree of social anxiety disorder symptoms today.Social anxiety occurs when someone suffers from dread, uneasiness or fear about a social interaction which can be a cause of a major obstacle in their life. It is quite different from shyness, which is more of a personality trait, where someone may prefer to not expose themselves to social situations. Social anxiety is a problem when the sufferer is unable to involve themselves in normal situations without significant emotional stress.
[Anxiety Disorder Symptoms]

Social anxiety disorder symptoms are things that sufferers describe when they are describing their social anxiety. They can be broadly divided into anxious thoughts, anxious behaviours, and anxious feelings. Anxious thoughts can include over thinking certain situations. For example, someone can think that everyone is staring at them, or everyone is laughing at them, or that they are making a fool of themselves, whereas from an outside perspective, everything is normal. So someone suffering from social anxiety could be unwilling to go into a crowded meeting because they feel that everyone would be staring at them, as opposed to the main speaker, which of course is completely illogical.

The most common type of anxiety is GAD, which stands for Generalized Anxiety Disorder. This form of anxiety affects millions of people and it's main trait is that doesn't let up. It affects your way of thinking and also makes the body tense so you are unable to relax. To try suppress it people will take stimulants such as a coffee, cigarette of alcohol to try give themselves energy to be able to do the things they're supposed to do or to even give themselves a break from the constant stress

Sufferers also describe anxious sensations in their body when they are thinking or experiencing social situations. They may find that they get sweaty and clammy. They may feel their heart beating quickly or thumping. Their breathing may increase, and they may feel light headed and faint. They may suffer from a dry mouth and stammer or stutter.All these social anxiety disorder symptoms have been experienced by everyone to some degree at one point in their lives. In certain situations it is totally normal - there are not many people who would not exhibit some of symptoms if they were to stand up and speak to one thousand people for example. However, when these symptoms are triggered in everyday life, then it can be a significant problem.

If you have any of these symptoms you'll already realise that you stop yourself from doing a lot. When was the last time you went on holiday? The last time you actually relaxed and enjoyed yourself?You can make some small changes to help with your anxiety, you can also totally overcome it.Start by eating better, if you drink lots of tea stop. Drink water and eat more fruit and vegetables you don't have to go on a diet just give your body better fuel. If you can get yourself to do some light exercise this will dramatically increase your well-being, your exercise could be taking your kids to the park or taking a hobby up again. These are just some small changes you can make to see and improvement.

Due to today's hectic lifestyle, it is quite common to see people dealing with anxiety and stress on a day-to-day basis. Many people however have to deal with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, which is not like the normal anxiety you experience in daily life. This disorder is about having chronic tension and worry, even if there is nothing specific to worry about. These folks become pessimistic about everything. They live with constant negative thoughts about their health, their looks, their job, their future and that a disaster is just around the corner.

This anxiety disorder can make living difficult for people; in fact, it has already affected over 19 million Americans. The important thing to point out is that many people are unaware of their situation and therefore know very little about their mental illness. It is often the duty and burden of friends and family to help these sufferers to cope by understanding their problem. This is when it becomes crucial to learn a little more about anxiety disorder symptoms.

One of the best ways to diagnose anxiety disorder symptoms is to be aware of the fact that there are two traits that victims exhibit. The first one is that they keep fretting and worrying about the future attacks and when the next attack may occur. This then leads to victims avoiding any situation that they feel are the cause of their attacks. Things can get worse when they start to avoid all places so that they are do not feel embarrassed. This could lead to a victim becoming a recluse and he or she may stop work, shopping, exercise, and similar tasks.

These symptoms must be noted and treatment should be sought immediately. Sweating, trembling, blushing, and the tensing the muscles are some of the common symptoms. Most sufferers will find it difficult to interact in situations where there is a great degree of public attention on them.

However, before you finally reach such a conclusion, it is important to check a few other symptoms such as irritability, difficult concentrating, and muscle tension. If you witness all of these symptoms in a person and over a period of time such as for the last few months, this is a sure sign of them becoming a victim of anxiety disorder. So, educate yourself about anxiety disorder symptoms to help your loved ones.

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