Friday, August 23, 2013

Looking Good With A Fake Sun Tan For Busy People

By Haywood Hunter

A fake sun tan not only looks good but can make people feel great too. In the cold, dark winter months it can really lift their spirits and make them feel more cheerful. They also have the advantage of knowing that they are not putting themselves at the risk of skin cancer. During any natural sun exposure the UV rays are literally burning the skin and this is what leads to permanent damage.

Health specialists are hoping that more young people listen to their warnings about not spending too much time in the sun. Everyone is encouraged to get out doors and enjoy sports and recreation during the summer months. Yet before heading out they need to understand the importance of simple skin protecting precautions they should take every day. They can also learn about the benefits of a fake sun tan.

The most important thing to remember is sunblock. This should be applied at least twenty minuets before going out and reapplied after swimming. A wide brimmed hat is also an important accessory and there are plenty of fun and fashionable options to wear. For those who heed the warnings and take care, a fake sun tan is the perfect way to enjoy the outdoors and still look great.

DHA is in fact the only fake sun tan product that is approved by the Food and Drug Administration. It is also endorsed by the Skin Cancer Foundation and the American Academy of Dermatology Associates. DHA products are easy to apply, either at home or in a salon and are also very affordable.

DHA based products are safe because they only react with the surface skin cells. These cells are naturally replaced every month or so. The fake sun tan typically lasts for about a week before it needs to be reapplied. This is a great advantage as their is no burning of the skin which is a natural side effects of sun exposure.

The fake sun tan solution is applied using an air brush spray. This allows for a nice even coat to be sprayed onto the skin. The air brush technology is simple yet effective and the entire tan can be done quickly.

Some people like to have a touch up and use the tanning booths. They can step inside and be sprayed with a thin coat of DHA solution to keep their tan in great shape. One of the beauties of fake sun tan treatments is that each person can control the depth of their tan. They can begin with just a light color, and gradually develop a darker tan as the weeks go by. This will give them a very natural look.

A fake sun tan is an excellent alternative to harmful sun exposure. The skin suffers no damage and the tan is very even. It is also much faster than the hours it takes to acquire a real tan. Many people love to apply a fake sun tan product in the middle of winter to lift their spirits.

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